

Page history last edited by Benjamin L. Stewart, PhD 5 years, 1 month ago


Welcome to Academic Writing Workshop for EFL/ESL Educators

This five-day workshop (Outliner) begins January 11, 2016, and will be conducted face to face (synchronously) and online (asynchronously) via this wiki.  The through-line that underpins the pedagogical aspects of teaching and learning academic writing rests in the following overarching question: As an EFL/ESL educator, what issues do you face? Participants of this workshop will be asked to develop an essay around this essential question, developing an argument with supporting claims and logical reasoning patterns.


Navigation: Day 1>Day 2>Day 3>Day 4>Day 5


Getting started...


How to participate in this five-day workshop


There are different ways that you may choose to participate in this workshop:


  • During the face-to-face portion of the workshop, you may choose to bring your connected mobile device (laptop, tablet, iPad, and/or cellphone) so that you can edit your Word Online document and Group Conversations directly in real time;

  • During the face-to-face portion of the workshop, you may choose to bring your mobile device (laptop, tablet, iPad, and/or cellphone), which may not connected to the internet, and edit a Word document offline that later can be uploaded to your own Word Online document and Group Conversations page asynchronously, outside of the face-to-face session; or

  • During the face-to-face portion of the workshop, you may choose not to bring your mobile device (laptop, tablet, iPad, and/or cellphone), and instead bring a regular notebook to do the different activities.  Then later you may upload your work from your notebook to your Word Online document and Group Conversations asynchronously.


Information found in this wiki will be covered in class, but everyone will use this wiki differently.  You may access this wiki both during the workshop and/or at anytime outside the workshop as needed.  Although everyone will be expected to contribute to their respective Word Online document and to Groups Conversations, each participant will choose different times to do this.  Note: having everyone connected and contributing during the workshop - the first option listed above - will allow for a more dynamic learning experience.  


During the five-day workshop however, participants will...


  • make contributions to their respective document found on the shared documents page,

  • make contributions to group forums,

  • complete all contributions by January 20, 2016.



If anyone wishes to contribute to this wiki, feel free to contact me. If you'd like to know more, view the Hangout on Air, #learning2gether with Benjamin Stewart about his Academic Writing Workshop for EFL/ESL educators, and the video archive.


Online Journals and Books (UAA Virtual Library)

BJSE | Cambridge Journals | ebrary (books) | EBSCOHost | Emerald | GALE | Language Learning | OECD | ProQuest (dissertations and theses) | ScienceDirect | Scopus (abstracts) | Springer | Wiley


Online Journals and Books (open) 

Complicity | English Teaching Forum | ERIC | Eurasian Journal of Applied Linguistics | INEGI | JIOL | JOLT | Language Learning & Technology | MEXTESOL Journal | Studies in Second Language AcquisitionThe International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning





Comments (4)

Benjamin L. Stewart, PhD said

at 3:51 pm on Jan 11, 2016

I just emailed everyone with a link to respective Word Online documents. If you did not receive my email and/or are not able to edit the Word Online document, please let me know.

Benjamin L. Stewart, PhD said

at 3:52 pm on Jan 11, 2016

If you have not joined this wiki, please do that first. Then I will email you the link to the Word Online document.

Mariesther Lemus said

at 1:38 pm on Jan 13, 2016

I checked the recording of the first session, and I found it useful and interesting. I think that participant teachers that miss sessions should view them to be prepared for the new session.

LOLIS said

at 12:32 pm on Jan 15, 2016

Thanks for the video. it was very useful for me. :)

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