
Example 1

Page history last edited by Benjamin L. Stewart, PhD 9 years ago

Problem solving activities are useful for rising cooperative interaction in order to practice L2 in an authentic way. This kind of activities have different advantages that help students work in a more collective and profitable way; some of these are the outcomes we can get from the students because of the number of people involved, we can get more ideas. Students may share their knowledge and own points of view in order to solve the problem. Besides, the exchange of ideas may act as a motivational resource to encourage learners to develop their concepts in a more extensive way and to consider others point of view. Furthermore, a shared responsibility helps individuals to judge, recognize and reflect on the options given to solve the problem.

Comments (4)

Wendy M said

at 12:55 pm on Jan 14, 2016

Empty adjective in the first sentence
Punctuation issues

Mariesther Lemus said

at 4:58 pm on Jan 14, 2016

The first sentence (claim) could focus on a single key aspect: to practice L2 in an authentic way, and use the cooperative interaction point as a characteristic of problem solving activities.
The second sentence is too general. It can be more specific by giving examples of problem solving activities

Carmen Loera said

at 5:33 pm on Jan 14, 2016

There seem to be singular/plural issues as well as commonly confused words, like rising vs raising.

Yanahalti said

at 6:48 pm on Jan 18, 2016

It needs to be polished and more specific. Yes, the adjective useful can be changed.

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